Doppio Espressivo

Double concertos for bass instruments

The concerto has been one of the most popular musical forms for over 300 years. What could be better than a solo musician thrilling and moving an audience with the support of an orchestra? Well, how about a concerto for two instruments? Twice the virtuosity and twice the expression! Doppio espressivo! 

Double Concertos for Bass Instruments from Vivaldi and Bottesini with Camerata RCO, and Rick Stotijn and Olivier Thiery – double bass, Bram van Sambeek – bassoon and Johannes Rostamo – cello.

‘Supported by the crack Camerata RCO, the soloists offer robust and virtuosic playing in Vivaldi’s concertos and lend a blues-like swing to the Red Priest’s aria “Vedrò con mio diletto”, whose yearning melody Rick Stotijn sings out on his mellow bass.’

— BBC Music Magazine

‘Dutch double bass superstar offers flair aplenty. Rick Stotijn’s prowess lies not only in his assured technical fluency but also in his interpretative imagination, tonal diversity and instinctive ability to communicate.’

— The Strad

‘Stotijn and Thiery throw themselves passionately into the romance of Bottesini’s “La Serenata” with their instruments. Never knew these tough guys could sound so erotic.’

— De Gelderlander